Vaskit 1.3.1的最新版本正式发布


目前VASPKIT 1.3.1最新正式版本已经开放下载,具体的更新内容简单阐述如下:

Version 1.3.1 (03 Dec. 2021) * Added a new feature to calculate transpot properties based on Boltzmann transport theory within constant relaxation time approximation (681); This utility needs to be further improved in the furture version; * Added a new feature to build vacuum slab in the specified direction (task 801); * Added a new feature to build hexagonal Moire superlattices (task 805). This utility is available only in VASPKIT Pro version; * Added a new feature to build nanotubes and nanoribbons with specified chiral vector C=n*a1+m*a2 (tasks 806 and 807). This utility is available only in VASPKIT Pro version; * Supported to read multiple parameter-value pairs on a single line in the INCAR file; * Updated the plot utility; * Fixed bug related to calculating the angular-dependent effective-mass (task 914); * Fixed bug related to fixing the selected atoms (task 402); * Fixed bug related to reading the k-labels from the KPOINTS file with line-mode; * Fixed bug related to generating the KPATH.phonopy file for D 2 materials ( (task 304); * Minor bug fixes and optimizations.


1. 画图模块和结构模型搭建模块进⼀步完善

* build vacuum slab in the specified direction (task 801);* build hexagonal Moire superlattices (task 805). This utility is available only in VASPKIT Pro version; * build nanotubes and nanoribbons with specified chiral vector C=n*a1+m*a2 (tasks 806 and 807). This utility is available only in VASPKIT Pro version;

2. ⽀持基于半经验玻尔兹曼输运理论计算输运性质(VASPKIT 1.3.1及以后版本),当前版本可输出electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, power factor 和electronic thermalconductivity。实现算法见⽂献(Computer Physics Communications 175 (2006) 67–71],注意该功能⽬前处于测试阶段,未来输运性质计算模块功能将不断进⾏完善。


1) VASPKIT英文网站:

2) VASPKIT中文网站:

3) VASPKIT中文论坛:



V. Wang, N. Xu, J.-C. Liu, G. Tang, W.-T. Geng, VASPKIT: A User-Friendly Interface Facilitating High-Throughput Computing and Analysis Using VASP Code, Computer Physics Communications 267, 108033 (2021).
