
最近几天,使用谷歌Wear OS系统智能手表(俗称“谷歌表”)的用户或许会有些小兴奋,因为他们的智能手表刚刚收到了一份变化很小,但内容却相当“劲爆”的系统更新。

这个更新是什么呢?简单来说,在最新的21.42.18版Wear OS系统里,谷歌对旗下智能手表的“系统更新”界面进行了重新设计。如今在Wear OS的系统更新界面除了会提示手表的系统是否已经更新外,还会用醒目的文字在同一屏里显示当前系统所真正对应的Android版本,以及安全补丁的更新日期。

如果你此前从未接触过Wear OS可能会觉得很奇怪,在系统更新界面显示当前的Android版本和安全补丁日期难道不是天经地义的事情吗,有什么好激动的呢?


这个不知所谓的“系统版本H”曾经才是Wear OS的日常

要知道在过去的很长一段时间里,谷歌在自家智能手表系统(也就是Wear OS)中都是将“安全补丁版本”信息放在用户不太容易看到的角落里。同时其系统底层的“Android版本”更是被隐藏起来,不让用户看到(或者说不让用户看懂)的。


为什么谷歌要这样做?原因其实很简单,因为Wear OS智能手表系统自诞生起(当时还叫Android Wear)就采用了严格的闭源生态政策。这不仅意味着各第三方厂商的手表系统更新要由谷歌“统一指挥”,甚至就连手表的硬件配置、核心芯片规格,也都只能采用统一的方案。


然而问题就在于,在经历了Moto 360、华为Watch 2 Pro等少数几款设备的早期热卖后,谷歌的Wear OS生态很快就呈现出了相比于竞争对手(例如苹果Apple Watch、三星Tizen)的颓势。而这种颓势后来更是直接导致最初的一批合作伙伴纷纷放弃这一产品线,同时一贯为“谷歌表”提供统一硬件方案的高通,也放慢了相关硬件的更新速度。

在这种情况下,整个Wear OS生态实际上就一度陷入了相当尴尬的局面。一方面是阿玛尼、泰格豪雅等新入局的奢侈品品牌将“谷歌表”定在了高高在上的价位,令其销量和影响力进一步萎缩。另一方面,在这种情况下负责为“谷歌表”提供SoC方案的高通也更加不上心,连续多年没有更新旗下骁龙Wear系列产品线的核心架构和制程。以至于到了2018年,当时最新款的骁龙Wear3100平台,甚至还在使用着五年前骁龙400平台的架构(Cortex-A7)和制程(28nm)。

很显然,古老的芯片方案根本不可能适配得了当时最新的Android系统。于是乎也差不多就是那个时候,谷歌开始放慢Wear OS的更新节奏,并随后在其系统信息里隐藏了底层Android版本号,从而不让用户轻易知晓2020年的Wear OS 2.x版本,其实底层依然还用着2018年的Android 9这个事实。


一切的转机始于2021年,在这一年的5月,谷歌正式宣布了与三星在可穿戴设备系统上达成合作的消息。三星将放弃将自家的Tizen智能手表产品线,与谷歌共同推出全新的、基于Android 11和Tizen双方技术的Wear OS 3全新智能手表系统。

而作为代价,三星将不仅获得Wear OS 3的长时间独占首发权,同时还将打破高通在Wear OS硬件方案上的独大局面,将自家最新的Exynos W920主控引入了“谷歌表”。


从公开数据来看,软硬件两方面大幅革新的Wear OS几乎迅速就取得了巨大成功。搭载Wear OS 3的三星Galaxy Watch 4系列智能手表仅仅上市不到一个季度,就帮助Wear OS生态的市占率从3.2上涨到了17.3%,一跃从“吊车尾”变成了仅次于苹果的第二大势力。

很显然,Wear OS 3此次的爆发式复兴,几乎完全是靠三星自研手表芯片和出色产品力来实现。但站在谷歌的角度上来看,这显然也让他们重新燃起了自信,以至于现在开始有越来越多的传言称,谷歌可能正在考虑变革Wear OS的闭源模式,允许更多硬件厂商参与进来,同时也在积极准备为更多设备适配新的Wear OS 3系统。

在这种情况下,谷歌一改以往在Wear OS系统里对真正版本号“遮遮掩掩”的做法,自然也就变得顺理成章了。


当然,由于谷歌最新的这一系统更新,针对的是目前还在运行Wear OS 2的老款“谷歌表”。所以这自然也就让人浮想联翩,这是否意味着谷歌准备为大量现有的Wear OS 2设备适配新系统,让老用户也能得到这次“福利”呢?

显然我们不能否定有这种可能性,毕竟当初Wear OS 2大版本更新时,谷歌就向许多初代的“谷歌表”推送了这一版本的系统。

但考虑到目前三星Galaxy Watch 4系列(5nm 双核A55,Mali-G68MP2)与其他“谷歌表”在硬件性能上,实在有着过于巨大的差异,所以我们三易生活推测,可能只有使用骁龙Wear4100系列平台(12nm 四核A53 Adreno504)的部分较新款“谷歌表”,才能够得到新版系统的适配。

至于那些基于骁龙Wear 2000/3000系(28nm 四核A7 Adreno304)平台的大量老款“谷歌表”,则很有可能在此次系统更新中成为被抛弃的对象。


谷歌播放策略更新提醒和密钥解释- 2021季度第四

本文快速介绍以及回顾了 Google Play 开发者政策近期的重要更新,并深入解读了家庭政策方面的内容以帮助开发者们打造适合家庭和儿童的应用,您也可以通过线上 培训营视频 进行回顾。

除 10 月份政策更新 中分享的内容外,我们也针对涉及以下内容的政策做了更新:

  • 暴力内容
  • 色情内容
  • 执行流程

欢迎大家前往 Play 管理中心 了解详情。


Android 11、App Bundle 和结算库 v3

从 2021 年 8 月起,新应用需要:

  • 以 API 级别 30 (Android 11) 或更高级别为目标运行环境,并进行调整以适应系统的行为变更。
  • 使用 Android App Bundle 格式发布,并使用 Play Asset Delivery 或 Play Feature Delivery 功能来交付下载大小超过 150MB 的资源或功能。请注意,对于新应用,扩展文件 (也称为 OBB) 将不再受支持。
  • 新应用必须使用结算库版本 3 或更高版本,其提供了全新的用户付款方式、订阅促销功能、游戏购买交易归因功能以及更高的购物可靠性和安全性。

从 2021 年 11 月开始,应用的更新版本必须以 API 级别 30 或更高级别为目标运行环境,进行调整以适应 Android 11 中的行为变更,并使用结算库版本 3 或更高版本。未更新的现有应用不会受到影响,用户可以继续从 Play 商店下载。


对于目标运行环境为 Android 11 及更高版本 (SDK 30) 的应用:

  • 需要使用 QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES 权限 来查看所有其他已安装的应用:
  • 使用 Play 管理中心内的声明表单声明对此权限的使用。
  • 设备上安装的应用属于个人/敏感用户数据,请获取适当范围的可见性权限

我们知道对应用进行更新可能需要一些时间,因此我们会在最后期限之前提前 60 天通知您。


我们将在 Google Play 上的应用详情中 新增 "安全" 部分,您可以在这个部分告知用户您的隐私保护和安全措施。

您可以在这个部分概略介绍应用会收集或分享哪些数据,并突出说明隐私和安全方面的详情,例如: 应用是否有数据加密机制。

我们也对 "用户数据" 政策做出了几项更新,目的是加强隐私保护和安全性:

  • 所有应用都必须在 Google Play 管理中心和应用内明示其隐私权政策。隐私权政策中必须包含数据保留和删除政策等信息。即使应用不会获取任何个人和敏感用户数据,也必须提交隐私权政策。
  • 对于应用会收集或分享哪些个人或敏感用户数据,开发者必须提供清晰准确的信息。
  • 如果您的应用以儿童为目标受众群体,您使用的 SDK 必须先获得批准,然后才能用于面向儿童的服务。

Play 管理中心已经可以开始提交 "数据安全" 部分的内容,这里再次提醒大家几个关键时间点:

  • 2021 年 10 月: 开始填写您的 "数据安全" 表单并添加隐私权政策
  • 2022 年 2 月: 用户将在 Google Play 商店中看到该功能
  • 2022 年 4 月: 表单和隐私权政策的审批最后期限

提醒: 除了检查应用收集和分享用户数据的方式以外,您还应检查应用中的任何第三方代码 (如第三方库或 SDK) 收集和分享此类数据的方式。您有责任确保您应用中使用的所有此类代码均符合 Play 开发者计划政策。您必须在应用的数据安全表单中说明此类第三方代码收集或分享数据的行为。


Google Play 一直致力于为儿童和家庭提供积极安全的平台环境。请注意如果应用的目标受众群体中包含儿童,则必须遵守下列要求,否则可能会导致应用遭到下架或暂停。

  • 应用内容: 您的应用中可供儿童访问的内容必须适合儿童。
  • 应用功能: 您的应用不能以提供某个网站的 WebView 为唯一目的,也不能以为某个网站吸引联属营销流量为主要目的,无论相应网站归谁所有,这种做法均属于违规行为。
  • 在 Play 管理中心内的回答: 您必须在 Play 管理中心内据实回答有关应用的问题;如果应用有所变化,还应更新答案,如实反映相应变化。这包括但不限于在内容分级调查问卷中准确声明应用的交互式元素,例如:应用的用户是否可以彼此互动或交换信息应用是否会与第三方分享用户提供的信息应用是否会将用户的实际位置信息分享给其他用户
  • 广告: 如果您的应用会面向儿童或不确定年龄的用户展示广告,您必须:仅使用 经 Google Play 认证的广告 SDK 来向这些用户展示广告。确保向这些用户展示的广告未涉及针对用户兴趣投放的广告 (针对具有某些特征的个人用户并根据其在线浏览行为投放的广告) 或再营销功能 (针对个人用户并根据他们之前与某个应用或网站的互动情况投放的广告)。确保向这些用户展示的广告所呈现的内容适合儿童。确保向这些用户展示的广告符合家庭广告格式要求。确保遵守与面向儿童投放广告相关的所有适用法规和行业标准。
  • 内购: 用户在已加入亲子同乐计划的应用中购买任何内购商品前,Google Play 都会重新验证用户身份,以帮助确保批准购买交易的人不是儿童。
  • 数据方面的做法: 如果您的应用会向儿童收集任何 个人信息和敏感信息 (包括通过应用调用或使用的 API 和 SDK 收集),您必须在应用中披露这一行为。儿童敏感信息包括但不限于身份验证信息、麦克风和相机传感器数据、设备数据、Android ID 以及广告使用情况数据。您还必须确保应用遵循以下数据方面的做法:不得传输从儿童或不确定年龄的用户处获取的 Android 广告标识符 (AAID)、SIM 卡序列号、版本序列号、BSSID、MAC、SSID、IMEI 和/或 IMSI。不得通过 Android API 的 TelephonyManager 索取设备电话号码。专门面向儿童的应用不得索取、收集、使用或传输位置信息。除非您的应用仅支持不兼容 配套设备管理器 (CDM) 的设备操作系统版本,否则应用索取蓝牙权限时,必须使用 CDM。
  • API 和 SDK: 您必须确保应用以适当的方式使用所有 API 和 SDK。专门面向儿童的应用不得包含未获准用于主要面向儿童的服务的任何 API 或 SDK,包括 Google 登录服务 (或任何其他会访问 Google 帐号关联数据的 Google API 服务)、Google Play 游戏服务,以及任何其他使用 OAuth 技术进行身份验证和授权的 API 服务。如果应用的目标对象同时包括儿童和更高年龄的用户,则应用不得使用未获准用于面向儿童的服务的 API 或 SDK,除非这样的 API 或 SDK 是 与无倾向年龄筛查 搭配使用,或采用不会收集儿童数据的方式实现。如果应用的目标对象同时包括儿童和更高年龄的用户,则应用不得要求用户通过未获准用于面向儿童的服务的 API 或 SDK 登录或访问应用内容。加入亲子同乐计划的应用只能使用 经自行认证的广告 SDK。
  • 增强现实 (AR): 如果应用采用增强现实技术,那么您必须确保在启动 AR 部分时会立即显示安全警告。警告应包含以下信息:适当提醒家长需要对孩子使用应用的情况加以监督。提醒用户留意现实环境中的危险因素 (例如注意周围的环境)。您的应用不得要求使用不建议儿童操作的设备 (例如 Daydream 和 Oculus)。
  • 社交应用和功能: 如果您的应用可让用户分享或交换信息,您必须在 Play 管理中心的内容分级调查问卷中准确披露这些功能。社交应用: 社交应用是指主要用途是让用户能够与大规模群体分享任意格式的内容或与之交流的应用。只要社交应用的目标受众群体包括儿童,就必须在允许儿童用户交换任意格式的媒体内容或信息之前,通过应用内消息提醒他们注意上网安全并了解线上互动带来的实际风险。您还必须要求成人执行某项操作,然后才能允许儿童用户交换个人信息。社交功能: 社交功能是指可让用户与大规模群体分享任意格式的内容或与之交流的任何附加应用功能。只要应用的目标受众群体包括儿童并且提供社交功能,就必须在允许儿童用户交换任意格式的媒体内容或信息之前,通过应用内消息提醒他们注意上网安全并了解线上互动带来的实际风险。您还必须向成人提供一种方法来管理面向儿童用户的社交功能,包括但不限于启用/停用社交功能或选择不同级别的功能。最后,您还必须要求成人执行某项操作,然后才能启用允许儿童交换个人信息的功能。成人操作是一种机制,用于验证用户并非儿童,且不鼓励儿童通过虚报年龄的方式获得访问应用中专为成人设计的内容的权限。具体的措施包括,要求提供成人 PIN 码、密码、出生日期、带照片的身份证件、信用卡、社会保障号 (SSN),或进行电子邮件验证。

如果社交应用的主要用途是与陌生人聊天,则不得以儿童为目标对象。示例包括: 聊天轮盘类应用、约会应用、主要面向儿童的开放聊天室等。

  • 符合法律规定: 您必须确保应用 (包括应用调用或使用的 API 或 SDK) 符合美国《儿童在线隐私保护法》(COPPA)、欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR) 以及任何其他适用法律或法规的规定。
  • 设计适合儿童和家庭的应用

△ 2021 – 2022 年重要政策执行时间表

再次感谢您关注 Google Play 政策更新,也请大家别忘了前往应用开发者学院:https://g.cn/playacademy 获取免费培训资源。




而现在,Everyday Robots团队的这款机器人给了全世界一个可以参考的方向。



Everyday Robots团队认为,机器人技术中目前最难的问题就是理解新的空间和环境,这局限了机器人的使用场景。大多数机器人仍然在专门为它们设计、结构化甚至明亮的环境中运行。这些机器人能完成的任务非常具体,并且机器人经过精心编码,可以在正确的时间以正确的方式执行这些任务。




因此,Everyday Robots团队的解决方案是,让这种新型机器人具备基础的自我学习能力,从而未来去帮助人类完成任何事情。包括帮助维持人类的生活环境和家居清洁,以及帮助人类将物品移动到需要的地方等等。

Everyday Robots团队希望,未来在大量的训练和实践中,最终机器人可以帮助人类实现需要花费精力处理的日常任务,把时间花在真正重要的事情上。





Everyday Robots希望能从一个代码和编程决定机器人如何感知、计划和行动的世界,转向数据和学习的世界,从而机器人能够在已知和未知环境中协助人类处理越来越多的任务。




早在2016 年,Everyday Robots还没有尝试使用虚拟仿真技术,而是使用工业机器人在小型实验室里配置训练学习如何抓取玩具、钥匙和日常家居用品等小物体,当时一个机器人需要花费四个月的时间来学习如何以75%的成功率进行简单的抓取。


Everyday Robots团队表示,在过去的几年里,其一直在构建一个专为学习设计的集成硬件和软件系统,用于将强化学习和模拟从虚拟世界转移到现实世界。例如让机器人可以先在模拟世界中练习擦桌子等任务,然后再在现实世界中练习,从而减少学习新任务所需的时间。




对于Everyday Robots的机器人,IEEE也提出了一些质疑,例如Evan Ackerman就提到,在安全性问题上,机器人的这种结构和机械臂安装方式,靠近手臂的地方似乎不太适合放置急停,这可能依然存在一些安全隐患。

Evan Ackerman也在文章里提到,目前受限于研究环境,还没有足够的公开信息来评估 Everyday Robots 的100 个原型机群的工作原理和算力支撑、操作的约束条件以及其“有用”性也仍然存疑。另外每台机器人数万美元的价格也可能造成机器人很难短期内走出实验室。

但负责 Alphabet 登月计划的 Astro Teller 认为,构建酷炫的机器人技术本身并不是最终目的,Everyday Robots 的目标最终是创建“通用学习机器人”最终服务于登月愿景,而他们已经走在了正确的路上。

Everyday Robots的首席机器人官Hans Peter Brøndmo则说:“我们希望在我们的现实生活中创造出像计算机一样有用的机器人,并相信机器人具有成为工具的巨大潜力。机器人最终可以帮助我们找到解决世界当前面临的例如老龄化等一些巨大挑战的新方法,并寻找到人类发展更可持续的新方式。”



今日,谷歌公布了Google Play 2021年度最佳获奖榜单,以此表彰在过去一年做出积极贡献的游戏及应用。据了解,今年谷歌将奖项范围扩大到了平板电脑上的游戏,以及 Wear OS 和 Google TV 上的应用。


而在游戏方面,Garena发布的《Free Fire MAX》获得年度最受欢迎游戏;腾讯天美工作室群开发的《宝可梦大集结》获得年度最佳游戏;拳头游戏开发的《英雄联盟:狂野裂谷(League of Legends: Wild Rift)》、漫威公司的《漫威未来革命(Marvel Future Revolution)》、Wildlife Studios的《嫌疑人:神秘大厦(Suspects: Mystery Mansion)》等获得年度最佳对战游戏。


年度最受欢迎游戏:《Garena Free Fire MAX》

《Free Fire MAX》是 Garena开发的以“吃鸡”为主题的百人射击手游。该游戏于今年9月发行后迅速在全球范围内爆火。据七麦数据,截至11月,该游戏已经在24个国家位于iOS游戏畅销榜前十,27个国家前50,其中除了Garena最为熟悉的东南亚市场,也不乏美国等热门手游市场。




《英雄联盟:狂野裂谷(League of Legends: Wild Rift)》

《漫威未来革命(Marvel Future Revolution)》

《宝可梦大集结(Pokémon UNITE)》

《猛兽之地(Rogue Land)》

《狼人嫌疑:神秘大厦(Suspects: Mystery Mansion)》

其中,《英雄联盟:狂野裂谷》成绩非常亮眼,据App Annie game IQ数据显示,《英雄联盟:狂野裂谷》在全球推出一周年之际,其全球用户支出已超过1.5亿美元。而国内,该手游上线首月iOS免费榜稳居榜首。伽马数据测算其在首月流水TOP5新游中,以预估流水超过11亿的成绩霸榜。




《旧金山骑士团(Knights of San Francisco)》


《未定事件簿(Tears of Themis)》

其中,《Inked》是来自克罗地亚的独立游戏工作室开发的一款剧情解密闯关类游戏,游戏以简单的蓝白色墨水钢笔画为主,玩家可以在其中透过简单的几何图形来解开谜题。游戏由朝夕光年旗下独立游戏发行商 Pixmain发行,曾拿下美国iOS游戏付费榜解谜品类第一名。



《70亿人(7 Billion Humans)》

《Bird Alone》

《甜甜圈都市(Donut County)》

《我的朋友佩德罗:复仇时刻(My Friend Pedro: Ripe for Revenge)》

《Puzzling Peaks EXE》


《你看,我心爱的猫不见了(Cats in Time)》

《古惑狼全速前进(Crash Bandicoot: On the Run!)》

《Disney POP TOWN》




《公鸡神探(Chicken Police — Paint it RED!》

《英雄联盟:狂野裂谷(League of Legends: Wild Rift)》

《我的朋友佩德罗:复仇时刻(My Friend Pedro: Ripe for Revenge)》


《The Procession to Calvary》




在他们被解雇之前,工程师们组织同事们公开反对移民政策,并发布了一份由1495名谷歌员工以及其他94名支持者签名的请愿书,呼吁结束谷歌参与他们认为不道德的行为。他们认为谷歌在做邪恶的事情。请愿书写道: “与CBP, ICE, 或 ORR合作,谷歌将会为了一点利益而放弃自己的诚信,加入一个可耻的世系。谷歌,或者其他任何科技公司,支持那些从事关押和折磨弱势群体的机构,这是不合理的。”






谷歌将于2022年在Windows PC上推出Android游戏

Google正计划在明年将Android游戏引入Windows PC。2022年,公司将推出一款Google游戏应用,允许原属于Google Play平台的游戏在Windows笔记本、平板电脑和PC上运行。Google发言人Alex Garcia-Kummert表示,该公司已经自己建立了属于自己的兼容方式。


“玩家将能够在更多的设备上体验他们最喜欢的Google Play游戏:在手机、平板电脑、Chromebook以及很快的WindowsPC之间无缝切换,”Google负责Android和Google Play游戏的产品总监Greg Hartrell在一份声明中说。”这个Google打造的产品将Android游戏的精华带到了更多的笔记本电脑和台式机上,我们很高兴能扩大我们的平台,让玩家更多的享受他们喜爱的游戏。”


“这将是一个由Google发布的本地Windows应用程序,它将支持Windows 10及以上版本,”Hartrell解释说。”它将不涉及游戏视频流。”Google的应用程序将不依赖于与Windows 11的任何特殊整合,而且该公司还将自行分发该应用程序。“

Google的公告是在微软开始在Windows 11 PC上测试Android应用几个月后发布的。微软已经为Android建立了一个底层的Windows子系统,它能够运行来自不同来源的Android应用。这家软件巨头已经与亚马逊合作,让Windows用户原生安装来自亚马逊Appstore的游戏和应用程序,但原生Google Play支持不会通过微软的功能正式提供。

由于微软只是与亚马逊合作推出该功能,这意味着可供Windows 11用户安装的Android游戏和应用要比原来少得多。现在,Google、BlueStacks和其他公司填补这一空缺的大门已经打开。

当微软以及现在的Google致力于将Android应用和游戏引入Windows时,BlueStacks更进一步,其技术正可以将Android游戏引入网络浏览器。BlueStacks X是一种在浏览器中玩Android游戏的免费方式,BlueStacks在2016年成为其主要应用程序的主要用例后,一直专注于Windows上的Android游戏。

关于Google在Windows上的Android应用计划的细节首次出现在今年早些时候Epic诉苹果案的一份文件中。这份文件的日期是2020年10月,篇幅长达70页,描述了让Android游戏在Mac和Windows PC上的雄心勃勃的努力。该文件显示,Google将首先把”仿真、原生和流媒体游戏”带到Windows,而且至少有一部分努力将在2022年开始。


Google宣布,在Gmail应用程序中增加了加入一对一Google Chat语音和视频通话的功能。在此之前,可以在iOS和Android的Gmail应用内进行通话,但用户必须发送Google Meet视频会议通话邀请,操作起来比较曲折,也有一些局限性。

但今后,用户将能够点击新的电话和视频图标直接开始对话,这些图标会出现在该应用的Google Chat部分的个别一对一聊天屏幕的右上角。

此外,从Google Chat应用发起呼叫的用户现在将被转到Gmail应用,这突出了Google将Gmail应用置于其通信平台中心的意图。

这项通话功能将从12月6日开始对拥有Google Workspace、G套件或个人Google账户的所有人推出。


中新网12月9日电 据日本共同社报道,8日,美国谷歌公司的日本法人,发布了2021年日本国内搜索量较上年激增的关键词榜单,其中,“2020东京奥运会”居榜首。



来源: 中国新闻网



与摩尔定律(Moore’s law)相伴而生的是登纳德缩放定律(Dennard scaling),即随着晶体管密度的增加,每个晶体管的功耗会下降,因此每平方毫米硅的功耗几乎是恒定的。但登纳德缩放定律在2007年开始显著放缓,到2012年几乎失效。


围绕这一问题,在钛媒体和国家新媒体产业基地联合主办的2021 T-EDGE全球创新大会上,Google母公司Alphabet董事会主席、2017年美国图灵奖获得者、斯坦福大学原校长John Hennessy发表了题为《深度学习和半导体技术领域的趋势和挑战》演讲。





在这样的变化之下,John Hennessy认为,“未来通用处理器将不是驱动行业发展的主力,能够与软件快速联动的特定领域处理器将会逐渐发挥重大作用。因此,接下来或许会看到一个更垂直的行业,会看到拥有深度学习和机器学习模型的开发者与操作系统和编译器的开发者之间更垂直的整合,使他们的程序能够有效运行、有效地训练以及进入实际使用。”

以下为John Hennessy演讲实录,经钛媒体编辑整理:

Hello I’m John Hennessy, professor of computer science and electrical engineering at Stanford University, and co-winner of the Turing Award in 2017.

大家好,我是约翰·轩尼诗,斯坦福大学计算机科学与电气工程教授,也是2017 年图灵奖共同获得者。

It’s my pleasure to participate in the 2021 T-EDGE conference.

很高兴能参加 2021年的 T-EDGE 大会。

Today I’m going to talk to you about the trends and challenges in deep learning and semiconductor technologies, and how these two technologies want a critical building block for computing and the other incredible new breakthroughs in how we use computers are interacting, conflicting and how they might go forward.


AI has been around for roughly 60 years and for many years it continues to make progress but at a slow rate, much lower than many of the early prophets of AI had predicted.

人工智能技术已经存在大约 60 年,多年来持续发展。但是人工智能技术的发展开始放缓,发展速度已远低许多早期的预测。

And then there was a DRAMatic breakthrough around deep learning for several small examples but certainly AlphaGo defeating the world’s go champion at least ten years before it was expected was a dramatic breakthrough. It relied on deep learning technologies, and it exhibited what even professional go players would say was creative play.

在深度学习上我们实现了重大突破。最出名的例子应该就是 AlphaGo 打败了围棋世界冠军,这个成果要比预期早了至少十年。Alpha Go使用的就是深度学习技术,甚至连专业人类棋手也夸赞Alpha Go的棋艺颇具创意。

That was the beginning of a world change.


Today we’ve seen many other deep learning breakthroughs where deep learning is being used for complex problems, obviously crucial for image recognition which enables self-driving cars, becoming more and more useful in medical diagnosis, for example, looking at images of skin to tell whether or not a lesion is cancerous or not, and applications in natural language particularly around machine translation.


Now for Latin-based language basically being as good as professional translators and improving constantly for Chinese to English, a much more challenging translation problem but we are seeing even a significant progress.


Most recently we’ve seen AlphaFold 2, a deep minds approach to using deep learning for protein folding, which advanced the field by at least a decade in terms of what is doable in terms of applying this technology to biology and going to dramatically change the way we make new drug discovery in the future.

近期我们也有 AlphaFold 2,一种使用深度学习进行蛋白质结构预测的应用,它将深度学习与生物学进行结合,让该类型的应用进步了至少十年,将极大程度地改变药物研发的方式。

What drove this incredible breakthrough in deep learning? Clearly the technology concepts have been around for a while and in fact many cases have been discarded earlier.


So why was it able to make this breakthrough now?


First of all, we had massive amounts of data for training. The Internet is a treasure trove of data that can be used for training. ImageNet was a critical tool for training image recognition. Today, close to 100,000 objects are on ImageNet and more than 1000 images per object, enough to train image recognition systems really well. So that was the key.

首先是我们有了大量的数据用于训练AI。互联网是数据的宝库。例如 ImageNet ,就是训练图像识别的重要工具。现在ImageNet 上有近 100,000 种物体的图像,每种物体有超过 1000 张图像,这足以让我们很好地训练图像识别系统。这是重要变化之一。

Obviously we have lots of other data were using here for whether it’s protein folding or medical diagnosis or natural language we’re relying on the data that’s available on the Internet that’s been accurately labeled to be used for training.


Second, we were able to marshal mass of computational resources primarily through large data centers and cloud-based computing. Training takes hours and hours using thousands of specialized processors. We simply didn’t have this capability earlier. So that was crucial to solving the training problem.


I want to emphasize that training is the computational intensive problem here. Inferences are much simpler by comparison and here you see the rate of growth of performance demand in petaflops days needed to train a series of models here. If you look at training AlphaZero for example requires 1000 petaflops days, roughly a week on the largest computers available in the world.

我想强调的是,人工智能训练带来的问题是密集的算力需求,程序推理变得简单得多。这里展示的是训练人工智能模型的性能需求增长率。以训练 AlphaZero 为例,它需要 1000 pfs-day,也就是说用世界上最大规模的计算机来训练要用上一周。

This speed has been growing actually faster than Moore’s law. So the demand is going up faster than what semiconductors ever produced even in the very best era. We’ve seen 300,000 times increase in compute from training simple models like AlexNet up to AlphaGo Zero and new models like GPT-3 had billions of parameters that need to be set. So the training in the amount of data they have to look at is truly massive. And that’s where the real challenge comes.

这个增长率实际上比摩尔定律还要快。因此,即使在半导体行业最鼎盛的时代,需求的增长速度也比半导体生产的要快。从训练 AlexNet 这样的简单模型到 AlphaGo Zero,以及 GPT-3 等新模型,有数十亿个参数需要进行设定,算力已经增加了 300,000 倍。这里涉及到的数据量是真的非常庞大,也是我们需要克服的挑战。

Moore’s law, the version that Gordon Moore gave in 1975, predicted that semiconductor density would continue to grow quickly and basically double every two years but we began to diverge from that. Really quickly diverge began in around 2000 and then the spread is growing even wider. As Gordon said in the 50th anniversary of the first prediction: no exponential is forever. Moore’s law is not a theorem or something that’s definitely must hold true. It’s an ambition which the industry was able to focus on and keeping tag. If you look at this curve, you’ll notice that for roughly 50 years we drop only a factor of 15 while gaining a factor of more than almost 10,000.

摩尔定律,即戈登摩尔在 1975 年给出的版本,预测半导体密度将继续快速增长,基本上每两年翻一番,但我们开始偏离这一增长速度。偏离在2000 年左右出现,并逐步扩大。戈登在预测后的五十年后曾说道:没有任何的物理事物可以持续成倍改变。当然,摩尔定律不是定理或必须成立的真理,它是半导体行业的一个目标。仔细观察这条曲线,你会注意到在大约 50 年中,我们仅偏离了约 15 倍,但总共增长了近 10,000 倍。

So we’ve largely been able to keep on this curve but we began diverging and when you factor in increasing cost of new fab and new technologies and you see this curve when it’s converted to price per transistor not dropping nearly as fast as it once fell.


We also have faced another problem, which is the end of so-called dennard scaling. Dennard scaling is an observation led by Robert Dennard, the inventor of DRAM that is ubiquitous in computing technology. He observes that as dimensions shrunk so would the voltage and other assonance for example. And that would result in nearly constant power per millimeter of silicon. That meant because of the amount of transistors that were in each millimeter we’re going up dramatically from one generation to the next, that power per computation was actually dropping quite quickly. That really came to a halt around 2007 and you see this red curb which was going up slowly at the beginning between 2000 and 2007 really began to take off. That meant that power was really the key issue and figuring out how to get energy efficiency would become more and more important as these technologies went forward.

我们还面临另一个问题,即所谓的登纳德缩放定律。登纳德缩放定律是由罗伯特·登纳德 领导的一项观察实验,他是DRAM的发明人。据他的观察,随着尺寸缩小,电压和其他共振也会缩小,这将导致每毫米硅的功率几乎恒定。这意味着由于每一毫米中的晶体管数量从一代到下一代急剧增加,每个计算的功率实际上下降得非常快。这在 2007 年左右最为明显,在 2000 年到 2007 年间开始缓慢上升的功耗开始激增。这意味着功耗确实是关键问题,随着这些技术的发展,弄清楚如何获得更高的能源效率将变得越来越重要。

Combine results of this is that we’ve seen a leveling off of unit processor performance, single core performance, after going through a rapid growth in the early period of the industry of roughly 25% a year and then a remarkable period with the introduction of RISC technologies, instructional-level parallelism, of over 50% a year and then a slower period which focused very much on multicore and building on these technologies.

在经历了行业早期每年大约 25% 的增长之后,随着 RISC 技术的引入和指令级并行技术的出现,开始有每年超过 50% 的性能增长。之后我们就迎来了多核时代,专注于在现有技术上进行深耕。

In the last two years, only less than 5% improvement in performance per year. Even if you were to look at multicore designs with the inefficiencies that come about you see that that doesn’t significantly improve things across this.

在过去的两年中,每年的性能提升不到 5%,即使多核设计也没有显着改善能效方面的问题。

And indeed we are in the we are in the era of dark silicon where multicore often slow down or shut off a core to prevent overheating and that overheating comes from power consumption.


So what are we going to do? We’re in this dilemma here where we’ve got a new technology deep learning which seems able to do problems that we never thought we could do quite effectively. But it requires massive amounts of computing power to go forward and at the same time Moore’s law on the end of Dennard Scaling is creating a squeeze on the ability of the industry to do what it relies on for many years, namely just get the next generation of semiconductor technology everything gets faster.


So we have to think about a new solution. There are three possible directions to go.


Software centric mechanisms where we look at improving the efficiency of our software so it makes more efficient use of the hardware, in particular the move to scripting languages such as python for example better dynamically-typed. They make programming very easy but they’re not terribly efficient as you will see in just a second.

以软件为中心的机制。我们着眼于提高软件的效率,以便更有效地利用硬件,特别是脚本语言,例如 python。这些语言让编程变得非常简单,但它们的效率并不高,接下来我会详细解释。

Hardware centric approaches. Can we change the way we think about the architecture of these machines to make them much more efficient? This approach is called domain specific architectures or domain specific accelerator. The idea is to just do a few tasks but to tune the hardware to do those tasks extremely well. We’ve already seen examples of this in graphics for example or modem that’s inside your cell phone. Those are special purpose architectures that use intensive computational techniques but are not general purpose. They are not programmed for arbitrary things. They are not designed to do a range of graphics operations or the operation is required by modem.


And then of course some combinations of these. Can we come up with languages which match to these new domain specific architecture? Domain specific languages which improve the efficiency and let us code a range of applications very effectively.


This is a fascinating slide from a paper that was done by Charles Leiserson and his colleagues at MIT and publish on Science called There’s plenty of room at the Top.


What they want to do observe is that software efficiency and the inefficiency of matching software to hardware means that we have lots of opportunity to improve performance. They took admittedly a very simple program, matrix multiply, written initially in python and ran it on an 18 core Intel processor. And simply by rewriting the code from python to C they got a factor of 47 in improvement. Then introducing parallel loops gave them another factor of approximately eight.

他们想要观察的是软件效率,以及软件与硬件匹配过程中带来的低效率,这也意味着我们有很多提高效率的地方。他们在 18 核英特尔处理器上运行了一个用 Python 编写的简单程序。把代码从 Python 重写为 C语言之后,他们就得到了 47 倍的效率改进。引入并行循环后,又有了大约 8 倍的改进。

Then introducing memory optimizations if you’re familiar with large scale metrics multiplied by doing it in blocked fashion you can dramatically improve the ability to use the cashe as effectively and thereby they got another factor a little under 20 from that about 15. And then finally using the vector instructions inside the Intel processor they were able to gain another factor of 10. Overall this final program runs more than 62,000 times faster than the initial python program.

引入内存优化后可以显着提高缓存的使用效率,然后就又能获得15~20倍的效率提高。然后最后使用英特尔处理器内部的向量指令,又能够获得10 倍的改进。总体而言,这个最终程序的运行速度比最初的 Python 程序快62,000 多倍。

Now this is not to say that you would get this for the larger scale programs or all kinds of environments but it’s an example of how much inefficiency is in at least for one simple application. Of course not many performance sensitive things are written in Python but even the improvement from C to the fully parallel version of C that uses SIMD instructions is similar to what you would get if you use the domain specific processor. It is significant just in its onw right. That’s nearly a factor of 100, more than 100, its almost 150.

当然,这并不是说在更大规模的程序或所有环境下我们都可以取得这样的提升,但它是一个很好的例子,至少能说明一个简单的应用程序也有效率改进空间。当然,没有多少性能敏感的程序是用 Python 写的。但从完全并行、使用SIMD 指令的C语言版本程序,它能获得的效率提升类似于特定领域处理器。这已经是很大的性能提升了,这几乎是 100 的因数,超过 100,几乎是 150。

So there’s lots of opportunities here and that’s the key point behind us slide of an observation.


So what are these domain specific architecture? Their architecture is to achieve higher efficiency by telling the architecture the characteristics of the domain.


We’re not trying to do just one application but we’re trying to do a domain of applications like deep learning for example like computer graphics like virtual reality applications. So it’s different from a strict ASIC that is designed to only one function like a modem for example.


It requires more domain specific knowledge. So we need to have a language which conveys important properties of the application that are hard to deduce if we start with a low level language like C. This is a product of codesign. We design the applications and the domain specific processor together and that’s critical to get these to to work together.

它需要更多特定领域的知识。所以我们需要一种语言来传达应用程序的重要属性,如果我们从像 C 这样的语言开始就很难推断出这些属性。这是协同设计的产物。我们一起设计应用程序和特定领域的处理器,这对于让它们协同工作至关重要。

Notice that these are not going to be things on which we run general purpose applications. It’s not the intention that we take 100 C code. It’s the intention that we take an application design to be run on that particular DSA and we use a domain specific language to convey the information to the application to the processor that it needs to get significant performance improvements.

请注意,这不是用来运行通用软件的。我们的目的不是要能够运行100 个 C 语言程序。我们的目的是让应用程序设计在特定的 DSA 上运行,我们使用特定领域的语言将应用程序的信息传达给处理器,从而获得显着的性能提升。

The key goal here is to achieve higher efficiency both in the use of power and transistors. Remember those are two limiters the rate at which transistor growth is going forward and the issue of power from the lack of Denard scaling. So we’re trying to really improve the efficiency of that.


Good news? The good news here is that deep learning is a broadly applicable technology. It’s the new programming model, programming with data rather than writing massive amounts of highly specialized code. Use data to train deep learning model to detect that kind of specialized circumstance in the data.


And so we have a good target domain here. We have applications which are really demanding of massive amounts of performance increase through which we think there are appropriate domain specific architectures.


It’s important to understand why these domain specific architectures can win in particular there’s no magic here.


People who are familiar with the books Dave Patterson and I co-authored together know that we believe in quantitative analysis in an engineering scientific approach to designing computers. So what makes these domain specific architectures more efficient?


First of all, they use a simple model for parallelism that works in a specific domain and that means they can have less control hardware. So for example we switch from multiple instruction multiple data models in a multicore to a single instruction data model. That means we dramatically improve the energy associated with fetching instructions because now we have to fetch one instruction rather than any instructions.


We move to VLIW versus speculative out of order mechanisms, so things that rely on being able to analyze the code better know about dependences and therefore be able to create and structure parallelism at compile time rather than having to do with dynamically runtime.


Second we make more effective use of memory bandwidth. We go to user controlled memory system rather than caches. Caches are great except when you have large amounts of data does streaming through them. They’re extremely inefficient that’s not what they meant to do. They are meant to work when the program does repetitive things but it is somewhat in predictable fashion. Here we have repetitive things in a very predictable fashion but very large amounts of data.


So we go to an alternative using prefetching and other techniques to move data into the memory once we get it into the memory within the processor within the domain specific processor. We can then make heavy use of the data before moving it back to the main memory.


We eliminate unneeded accuracy. Turns out we need relatively much less accuracy then we do for general purpose computing here. In the case of integer, we need 8-16 bit integers. In the case of floating point, we need 16 to 32 bit not 64-bit large-scale floating point numbers. So we get efficiency thereby making data items smaller and by making the arithmetic operations more efficient.


The key is that the domain specific programming model matches the application to the processor. These are not general purpose processor. You are not gonna take a piece of C code and throw it on one of these processors and be happy with the results. They’re designed to match a particular class of applications and that structure is determined by that interface in the domain specific language and the underlining architecture.

关键在于特定领域的编程模型将应用程序与处理器匹配。这些不是通用处理器。你不会把一段 C 代码扔到其中一个处理器上,然后对结果感到满意。它们旨在匹配特定类别的应用程序,并且该结构由领域特定语言中的接口和架构决定。

So this just shows you an example so you get an idea of how were using silicon rather differently in these environments then we would in a traditional processor.


What I’ve done here is taken a first generation TPU-1 the first tensor processing unit from Google but I could take the second or third or fourth the numbers would be very similar. I show you what it looks like it’s a block diagram in terms of what the chip area devoted to. There’s a very large matrix multiply unit that can do a two 56 x 2 56 x 8 bit multiplies and the later ones actually have floating point versions of that multiplying. It has a unified buffer used for local activations of memory buffer, interfaces accumulators, a little bit of controls and interfaces to DRAM.

这里展示是谷歌的第一代 TPU-1 ,当然我也可以采用第二、第三或第四代,但是它们带来的结果是非常相似的。这些看起来像格子一样的图就是芯片各区域的分工。它有一个非常大的矩阵乘法单元,可以执行两个 56 x 2 56 x 8 位乘法,后者实具有浮点版本乘法。它有一个统一的缓冲区,用于本地内存激活。还有接口、累加器、DRAM。

Today that would be high bandwidth DRAMs early on it with DDR3. So if you look at the way in which the area is used. 44% of is used for memory to store temporary results in weights and things been computed. Almost 40% of being used for compute, 15% for the interfaces and 2% for control.

在今天我们使用的是高带宽DRAM,以前可能用的是DDR3。那我们来具体看看这些区域的分工。 44% 用于内存以短时间内存储运算结果。 40% 用于计算,15% 用于接口,2% 用于控件。

Compare that to a single Skylake core from an Intel processor. In that case, 33% as being used for cach. So noticed that we have more memory capacity in the TPU then we have on the Skylake core. In fact if you were to remove the caps from the cache that number because that’s overhead it’s not real data, that number would even be larger. The amount on the Skylake core will probably drop to about 30% also almost 50% more being used for active data.

将其与英特尔的 Skylake架构进行比较。在这种情况下,33% 用于缓存。请注意,我们在 TPU 中拥有比在Skylake 核心上更多的内存容量,事实上,如果移除缓存限制,这个数字甚至会更大。 Skylake 核心上的数量可能会下降到大约 30%,用于活动数据的数量也会增加近 50%。

30% of the area is used for control. That’s because the Skylake core is an out of order dynamic schedule processor like most modern general purpose processors and that requires significantly more area for the control, roughly 15 times more area for control. That control is overhead. It’s energy intensive computation unfortunately the control unit. So it’s also a big power consumer. 21% for compute.

30% 的区域用于控制。这是因为与大多数现代通用处理器一样,Skylake 核心是一个无序的动态调度处理器,需要更多的控制区域,大约是15 倍的区域。这种控制是额外负担。不幸的是,控制单元是能源密集型计算,所以它也是一个能量消耗大户。 21% 用于计算。

So noticed that the big advantage that exists here is the compute areas roughly almost double what it is in a Skylake core. Memory management there’s memory management overhead and finally miscellaneous overhead. so the Skylake core is using a lot more for control a lot less for compute and somewhat less for memory.

这里存在的最大优势是计算区域几乎是 Skylake 核心的两倍。内存管理有内存管理负担,最后是杂项负担。因此,控制占据了Skylake 核心的区域,意味着用于计算的区域更少了,内存也是同理。

So where does this bring us? We’ve come to an interesting time in the computing industry and I just want to conclude by reflecting on this and how saying something about how things are likely to go forward in the future because I think we’re at a real turning point at this point in the history of computing.


From 1960s, the introduction of the first real commercial computers, to 1980 we had largely vertically integrated companies.

从 1960 年代第一台真正的商用计算机的出现到 1980 年,市面上的计算机公司基本上都是垂直整合的。

IBM Burroughs Honeywell be early spin outs out of the activity at the university of Pennsylvania that built ENIAC the first electronic computer.

IBM、宝来公司、霍尼韦尔、以及其他参与了宾夕法尼亚大学制造的世界上第一台电子计算机 ENIAC 公司都是垂直整合的公司。

IBM is the perfect example of a vertically integrated company in that period. They did everything, they built around chips they built the round disc’s in fact the West Coast operation of IBM here in California was originally open to do disc technology and the first Winchester discs were built on the West Coast.

IBM 是那个时期垂直整合公司的完美典范。IBM好像无所不能,他们围绕着芯片制造,他们制造了光盘。事实上,IBM 在加利福尼亚的西海岸业务最初就是光盘技术,而第一个温彻斯特光盘就是在西海岸制造出来的。

They built their own processors. The 360, 370 series, etc. After that they build their own operating system they built their own compilers. They even built their own database estate. They built their networking software. In some cases, they even built application program but certainly the core of the system from the fundamental hardware up through the databases OS compilers were all built by IBM. And the driver here was technical concentration. IBM could put together the expertise across these wide set of things, assemble a world-class team and really optimize across the stack in a way that enabled their operating system to do things such as virtual memory long before other commercial activities can do that.

他们还构建了自己的处理器,有360、370系列等等。之后他们开发了自己的操作系统、编译器。他们甚至建立了自己的数据库、自己的网络软件。他们甚至开发了应用程序。可以肯定的是,从基础硬件到数据库、操作系统、编译器等系统核心都是由 IBM 自己构建的。而这里的驱动力是技术的集中。 IBM 可以将这些广泛领域的专业知识整合在一起、组建一个世界一流的团队、并从而优化整个堆栈,使他们的操作系统能够做到虚拟内存这种事,这可要比在其他公司要早得多。

And then the world changed, really changed with the introduction of the personal computer. And the beginning of the micro processors takes off.


Then we change from a vertically organized industry to a horizontally organized industry. We had silicon manufacturers. Intel for example doing processors along with AMD and initially several other companies Fairchild and Motorola. We had a company like TSMC arise through silicon foundry making silicon for others. Something that didn’t exist in earlier but really in the late 80s and 90s really began to take off and that enabled other people to build chips for graphics or other other functions outside the processor.

接着这个行业从垂直转变为水平纵向的。我们有专精于做半导体的公司,例如英特尔和 AMD ,最初还有其他几家公司例如仙童半导体和摩托罗拉。台积电也通过代工崛起。这些在早期都是见不到的,但在 80 年代末和 90 年代开始逐渐起步,让我们能够做其它类型的处理器,例如图形处理器等。

But Intel didn’t do everything. Intel did the processors and Microsoft then came along and did OS and compilers on top of that. And oracle companies like Oracle came along and build their applications databases and other applications on top of that. So they became very horizontally organized industry. The key drivers behind this, obviously the introduction of the personal computer.


The rise of shrinkwrap software, something a lot of us did not for see coming but really became a crucial driver, which meant that the number of architecture that you could easily support had to be kept fairly small because the software company is doing a shrink wrap software did not want to have to port and and verify that their software work done lots of different architectures.


And of course the rise in the dramatic growth of the general purpose microprocessor. This is the period in which microprocessor replaced all other technologies, including the largest super computer. And I think it happened much faster than we expected by the mid 80s microprocessor put a series dent in the mini computer business and it was struggling by the by the early 90s in the main from business and by the mid 90s to 2000s really taking a bite out of the super computer industry. So even the supercomputer industry converted from customize special architectures into an array of these general purpose microprocessor. They were just far too efficient in terms of cost and performance to be to be ignored.

当然还有通用微处理器的快速增长。这是微处理器取代所有其他技术的时期,包括最大的超级计算机。我认为它发生的速度比我们预期的要快得多,因为 80 年代中期,微处理器对微型计算机业务造成了一系列影响。到 90 年代初主要业务陷入困境,而到 90 年代中期到 2000 年代,它确实夺走了超级计算机行业的一些市场份额。因此,即使是超级计算机行业,也从定制的特殊架构转变为一系列的通用微处理器,它们在成本和性能方面的效率实在是太高了,不容忽视。

Now we’re all of a sudden in a new area where the new era not because general purpose processor is that gonna go completely go away. They going to remain to be important but they’ll be less centric to the drive to the edge to the ferry fastest most important applications with the domain specific processor will begin to play a key role. So rather than perhaps so much a horizontal we will see again a more vertical integration between the people who have the models for deep learning and machine learning systems the people who built the OS and compiler that enabled those to run efficiently train efficiently as well as be deployed in the field.


Inference is a critical part is it mean when we deploy these in the field will probably have lots of very specialized processors that do one particular problem. The processor that sits in a camera for example that’s a security camera that’s going to have a very limited used. The key is going to be optimize for power and efficiency in that key use and cost of course. So we see a different kind of integration and Microsoft Google and Apple are all looking at this.


The Apple M1 is a perfect example if you look at the Apple M1, it’s a processor designed by apple with a deep understanding of the applications that are likely to run on that processor. So they have a special purpose graphics processor they have a special purpose machine learning domain accelerator on there and then they have multiple cores, but even the cores are not completely homogeneous. Some are slow low power cores, and some are high speed high-performance higher power cores. So we see a completely different design approach with lots more codesign and vertical integration.

例如Apple M1,Apple M1 就是一个完美的例子,它是由 苹果设计的处理器,对苹果电脑上可能运行的程序有着极好的优化。他们有一个专用的图形处理器、专用的机器学习领域加速器、有多个核心。即使是处理器核心也不是完全同质的,有些是功耗低的、比较慢的核心,有些是高性能高功耗的核心。我们看到了一种完全不同的设计方法,有更多的协同设计和垂直整合。

We’re optimizing in a different way than we had in the past and I think this is going to slowly but surely change the entire computer industry, not the general purpose processor will go away and not the companies that make software that runs on multiple machines will completely go away but will have a whole new driver and the driver is created by the dramatic breakthroughs that we seen in deep learning and machine learning. I think this is going to make for a really interesting next 20 years.

我们正在以与过去不同的方式进行优化,这会是一个缓慢的过程,但肯定会改变整个计算机行业。我不是说通用处理器会消失,也不是说做多平台软件的公司将消失。我想说的是,这个行业会有全新的驱动力,由我们在深度学习和机器学习中看到的巨大突破创造的驱动力。我认为这将使未来 20 年变得非常有趣。

Thank you for your kind attention and I’d like to wish the 2021 T-EDGE conference a great success. Thank you.

最后,你耐心地听完我这次演讲。我也预祝 2021 年 T-EDGE 会议取得圆满成功,谢谢。



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